Monday, October 3, 2011

The Color Matrix

Following the ARRAY concept of color relationships, I have expanded Josef Albers' two-parent relationship to a broader spectrum of color possibilities. The results are startling and a new tool for those who seek color harmony.

Tags: Color relationships, Color Matrix, Josef Albers, Richard Nelson, Dick Nelson, Matrix, Color Harmony, Color Solution, Color Families, Color Luminosity, Halation, Vanishing Boundaries, Colors That Work, Color Pyramids, Making Color Glow

Color Luminosity

Here are two ways color luminosity can be achieved. This should dispel the notion that the French Impressionists achieved color luminosity by way of full chroma color application. See the truth with your own eyes.

Tags: Color luminosity, French Impressionists, Claude Monet, Color Halations, Vanishing Boundaries, Dick Nelson, Toned color, Equal Value, Richard Nelson, Color Misconceptions, Josef Albers, Interaction of Color, Optical Illusions, Color Glow, Color, Monet Landscapes, Color Snobbery, Color Mysteries, Color Knowledge

Color is Relative

We perceive the hue and value of colors according to their surroundings. This video demonstrates just how relative color is and provides an explanation.

Tags: Color is relative, Josef Albers, Dick Nelson, Color Deception, Color theory, Gray scale, Hue, Value, Interaction of color, Itten, Optical Illusions, Op Art, Understanding color, Color, Complementary Colors, Color Arrays, Color Families, Related Colors

Color Arrays

Color relationships are seen here as ARRAYS of related hues and values. The visual phenomenon of HALATION is ever present in each and every array. This illusion of color and value gradation, explained in my earlier videos, served as a basis for much of Josef Albers work with the INTERACTION OF COLOR.

Tags: Albers, Dick Nelson, Color Relationships, Interaction of Color, Arrays, Halations, Visual Phenomena, Visual Illusion, Color families, Color Magic, Color Arrays, Color Halations, Related Hues, Complementary Color, Colors that glow, Color luminosity

Mix any color

Mix any color in pigment or light by first recognizing that all colors originate from three primaries plus black or white. The true primaries, understood and used in the printing industry for decades, were unknown to most artists and art schools. This brief video hopes to dispel the misconceptions of mixing color in both pigments and light. Additional proof can be found by examining the Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black inks of every computer printer. These are pigment primaries. Light primaries, Red, Green and Blue-Violet are the secondary colors of pigments. Every TV or computer monitor depends on RGB color to generate an entire spectrum.

3D Color Wheel

An animated building of a 3D color wheel with identifying text. The full dimension of color relationships can be viewed in this animated movie. This is part of Dick Nelson's DVD "Dimensions of Color", used as his teaching device for the serious student of color. Having studied with the 20th Century master of color, Josef Albers, at Yale, Dick has incorporated many lessons from his mentor and added some of his own color revelations.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Albers' Homage to the Square: An Explanation

A descriptive analysis of the work of Josef Albers by a former student, Dick Nelson. This is followed with Dick's animated collection of his own color studies which incorporate Albers format and his principles of color interaction.

Tags: Color, Josef Albers, Richard Nelson, Interaction of Color, Art on postage stamp, Explaining Albers, Color luminosity, Homage to the Square, Color Halations, U.S. Postage Stamp Art, Dick Nelson, OP Art, Visual Phenomena, Optical sensation, Learning Never Ends, Glow, Creating luminosity, Seated squares